No, you do not require a referral or prescription from a doctor to be evaluated and treated by a Biokineticist.

You may wonder if you are a candidate for Biokinetics treatment or if it can help your ailment. For us, as Biokineticists, however, this is an easy question to answer: Most people can benefit from Biokinetics treatment, whether their condition varies from a simple ankle sprain to a hip replacement, from high blood pressure to a debilitating stroke, even from numbness in your leg to a complex neurological disorder. The scope of disorders and injuries that we rehabilitate and/or manage is vast - contact us to find out how we can help you.

Biokinetics is not just for people that needs injury rehabilitation. You may benefit from Biokinetics even if you are not injured. Biokineticists, as movement experts, can help prevent injury or illness.

Biokinetics is used to promote a person’s mobility, reduce pain, restore function, prevent injury, surgery and disability, as well as promote health and well-being through physical activity. Biokineticists have many treatment techniques and tools to achieve goals set for each patient. Therapeutic exercise, functional training, neuromuscular re-education, and self care education are some of the treatment options that can be utilised.

Biokinetics can be a game changer for individuals looking to enhance sports performance, improve posture, increase body awareness for dancers, improve diaphragmatic breathing for singers, reduce fall risk, set up a ergonomic home work station and so much more.

CONTACT US today to find out how we can help you.

Biokineticists are educated to provide an extensive examination, including health history, to explore the reasons why a physical dysfunction and symptoms are occurring to you. Based on the findings, the Biokineticist will educate you and develop a treatment plan to help you manage the problems revealed during the assessment. Biokineticists teach you how to be mindful and listen to your body to improve your condition, avoid further injuries and reduce pain. The educational component is very important to promote the best healing environment while promoting strength, and movement while restoring your health. Biokineticists will also let you know when they think you should be evaluated by a doctor for further medical advice, and if potentially you need imaging, such as a sonar or X-ray, to make sure a more serious injury is not present.

At your initial appointment, goals will be set with you to help guide your care plan. At follow up appointments, the Biokineticist may guide you though exercises and activities, develop a home exercise plan, and continually provide you with education and feedback to progress you toward achieving these goals. At certain visits, a re-exam/assessment will occur to recheck progress toward goals to gage how the treatment is progressing. The Biokineticist will also take into consideration your feedback on what is working, and will ask what needs additional help in order to restore your health and function. Some factors that indicate Biokinetics treatment is working include, decreased pain, reduced symptoms, increased muscles length, improving motion and function, changes in pain and outcome scores, improving strength and endurance.

One common goal for Biokinetics treatment is to address the patients rehab needs by teaching concepts of self treatment to help manage symptoms and to help learn how to avoid future injury. Biokinetics treatment can be utilized and may benefit many people recovering from injuries and dysfunction while achieving long-term results. Biokinetics treatment is more than just a powerful solution to pain management, it can also be cost effective too. You may avoid costly imaging, injections, extra doctor visits, unnecessary medication and surgery if you try Biokinetics treatment first.

The amount of sessions that you will require depends on the nature and severity of the injury/condition and also how disciplined you are with the prescribed exercises.

Your biokineticist will be able to give you an idea on the number of follow-up sessions and a likely time frame after your assessment.

We will discuss this with you after your assessment so you can know what to expect.

This depends on who is available at the time you wish to make an appointment.

In most cases the sooner you receive treatment the better regardless of the Biokineticist, as all of us are fully qualified and up to date with the latest rehabilitation techniques.

Payment can be made in the form of cash or EFT payments, or we can submit to the medical aid to claim directly on your behalf.

If you would like us to claim directly, see "Does my medical aid cover sessions?" .

If you are not on medical aid or have exceeded your annual benefits, you are liable for settling your own account. This can be done via EFT or cash payments.

Depending on the plan that you are on, these services are covered by your medical aid. In most cases Biokinetics is covered from your savings benefit and/or your allied health benefit initially.

We can claim directly from the following medical aids:

  • Discovery
  • Bankmed
  • Bonitas
  • MedScheme

If you are on any other medical aid not listed above, you can claim the amount back on your own (terms specific to your medical aid and plan)

If you are not on medical aid or have exceeded your annual benefits, you are liable for settling your own account. This can be done via EFT or cash payments.

We only charge the standardised medical aid rates.

Appointments are generally one hour in duration however, this can be adapted to your needs and availability - fees are then adjusted accordingly.

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Off-Peak Hours

Appointments between 06:00 & 13:00

Peak Hours

Appointments between 14:00 & 19:00