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Make a list of questions that you have to discuss on your first visit.
Feel free to bring along your referral letter (if you have one) and any scans or medical documents.
Prior to your first visit, please complete the new patient information form to the best of your ability.
We will send you the relevant forms before your appointment.
Your first appointment will be about 60 to 90 minutes - so book out enough time for yourself.
During this visit you can expect an ASSESSMENT and possibly some TREATMENT.
During the assessment we will review your completed patient form and clarify questions about your medical history, current pain, or injury.
Your health, movement, strength, coordination, and much more will be assessed. Our purpose is to help you, so please ensure to say if anything is hurting or bothering you during the assessment.
We will then recommend and prepare a tailor-made treatment plan to ensure the quickest recovery and the best results. We will discuss these recommendations with you.
There may be some treatments performed the first day to get you started on your road to recovery.
However, with the FOLLOW-UP TREATMENT SESSION/S you will get into the full swing of your treatment plan.
The amount of follow-up appointments needed will be discussed with you, depending on your injury/condition.
We take a day or two to write your customized treatment plan.
By analysing the data and information gained during the assessment will help us define the goals & outcomes of the treatment intervention.
In the mean time, you can start with the basic stretch / mobility exercises that we will provide during your first appointment.
Have a look what happens with your FOLLOW-UP TREATMENT SESSION/S